Community Safety Hubs


Community Safety Hubs are smaller community groups that are specific to neighborhoods across the city. These groups meet regularly to discuss safety and imagine a world beyond our current systems. They are facilitated by Decarcerate KC members from the neighborhood, and networked through regular check-ins with other neighborhoods.


Imagine New Possibilities

We believe that the people closest to the problem are closest to the solution. We also know that police and prisons don’t keep us safe, but We Keep Us Safe. Community Safety Hubs are the way that we put this idea into practice. This is where we build and take action to reimagine neighborhood-level community safety.

Build Community in KC Neighborhoods

Currently, we are in the process of building up Community Safety Hubs in the Oak Park, Santa Fe, and Vineyard neighborhoods on KC's east side. If you live in one of these neighborhoods and are interested in getting involved, sign up to learn more!

join a safety hub

Volunteer with Decarcerate KC

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Reimagining Safety

